살롱에 예약하고 싶다

2023-11-13 18:30

My name is Misako and I sent an inquiry at 13:39 on November 11.
I could not reply properly, so I will send it again.

Thanks for the reply.
That reservation details are correct.
I do not have a preference for a designer, so please go with your recommendation.

Thank you!
Misako Yamashita
전체 1

  • 2023-11-14 13:17

    Hello. Dear. Misako Yamashita.
    The cost depends on the designer's position.
    The cost of cutting the top stylist is 88,000 won.
    The cost of hair color varies depending on the length of the hair and starts at 200,000 won.
    I'll let you know the cost after the hair consultation.
    Top stylist daily makeup 150,000 won
    The art director is 210,000 won.
    I'll help you with your reservation if you send me an email at sv@chahong.kr.
    Thank you.